Tres Sombreros Triumphs ’19-’20
Diario “El Mundo” An agile and enriched ‘Three top hats” by Tomas Marco OPERA ACTUAL magazine Ricardo Llorca´s new work triumphs in the Teatro de la Zarzuela |
Opera World “Three top hats in the Zarzuela: the absurd is filled with musical beauty” by José Antonio Lacárcel SCHERZO Magazine ‘Three top hats” or the pleasant absurdity by Manuel García Franco |
Digital Melomano ‘Three top hats’ at Teatro de la Zarzuela |
BACHTRACK MAGAZINE Premiere of “Three top hats”: Zarzuela, yes or no? The Cultural “Three top hats” and Mihura by Arturo Reverter |
Platea Magazine Teatro de la Zarzuela welcomes the European premiere of “THREE TOP HATS” by Ricardo Llorca |
Periodistas en españ Ricardo Llorca turns Miguel Mihura´s “Three top hats” into a zarzuela Diario “El Mundo” (Culture) ”Three top hats’ or how to revitalize zarzuelas by FÁTIMA ELIDRISSI |